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Learning & Teaching



Our school philosophy is reflected in its engaging programs & based on the belief that children learn best in a co-operative environment that is happy, challenging & supportive.

Emphasis is placed on the development of programs that address individual student needs, through Individual Learning Plans. Educational goals and priorities are reviewed every six months. Class groups are comprised of 6-12 students with a teacher and teacher assistant or with a team teaching structure. This ensures safe and effective learning environments, where individuals are respected and self-esteem and dignity are strongly advocated. The school has a trans-disciplinary approach to student learning with input from educators, therapists and parents.

Broadmeadows SDS has a School Wide Positive Behaviour Program and has developed a school culture that is reflected by the ideals of positive learning support. An emphasis is placed on students attaining skills and knowledge that they will use as young adults when graduating at 18 years of age.

As the Department of Education and Training recommends, we use the Abilities Based Learning and Education Support (ABLES) as an assessment tool for reporting.

Our school curriculum is driven by the Victorian Curriculum.

The Learning Disciplines include:
· English
· Maths
· Inquiry Based Learning; Science, Geography,
History, Civics and Citizenship

Specialist Programs include:
· Physical Education
· Performing Arts
· Visual Art

Competencies developed include:
· Personal and Social Capabilities
· Critical and Creative Thinking


Primary Years


Ranging from 5 to 12 years old

Our main aim for students in their primary-aged years is to make school a fun and engaging environment where students feel comfortable and enjoy learning. Students are respected as individuals and are encouraged to engage in a range of learning experiences in order to extend their interests and skills.


Communication development is a high priority, enabling students to further express themselves through multimodal communication including gesture, speech, Key Word Sign and visuals.


We value and promote a collaborative working partnership with families; in recognition that respectful and caring relationships with children and families will foster and deliver improved learning for children. Learning experiences are designed to expand children’s knowledge and skills and promote their health, safety and wellbeing.

Teaching and Learning Programs in the Primary Years will reflect a comprehensive curriculum, focusing on the foundation skills and knowledge for future learning. Priority learning is personalised for students and documented within Individual Learning Plans.

Within the Primary Years, Inquiry learning topics, are delivered through an integrated curriculum model. Student’s strengths are central with “hands on” learning experiences promoting curiosity, co-operation and confidence in order for students to grow as learners and achieve success. A scope and sequence of learning topics supports the development of skills and knowledge across broad areas of the curriculum.

Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, and Speech Pathologists, Teachers and Teacher Assistants work collaboratively to adapt and extend programs to ensure the students are continually developing their skills and abilities.


Secondary Years

Ranging from 12 to 18 years old

Once students reach the secondary-aged years, our aim is to provide them with the skills and knowledge to negotiate the environment as a young adult both at school and in their future life and learning.  Our programs aim to engage, challenge and excite students within a familiar and safe environment. Whilst there remains an academic aspect within our teaching and learning programs, the curriculum focus is on the functional aspects of numeracy, literacy and communication as the students move through to their final year.

The core curriculum includes English, Reading, Writing, Maths and Health and Physical Education. Inquiry based learning will integrate learning content across disciplines to promote increased engagement in the curriculum, develop and challenge thinking skills. Personal and Interpersonal development is central to our teaching as we promote communication and positive social skills in order for students to self-manage, resolve problems, work with others, negotiate social networks and develop increased autonomy.

Learning will include hands on experiences, allowing students to make meaning from doing. Application of skills and knowledge through applied learning context within the school and local community will provide opportunities for students to increase independence, interdependence and pre-requisite skills and knowledge necessary to operate in the world.


Secondary-aged students have opportunities to participate in a range of programs aimed to support their transition towards their post school lives


As students near their final year of school at 18 years old, they commence the journey towards their post school lives. Students are encouraged to develop new skills that will increase their independence, improve social skills and allow them to manage their own behaviour. As students move through our school there is an increased emphasis on preparation for life after school.

Broadmeadows SDS supports all young adults and their families in accessing a post school placement that will assist them to continue to grow and develop. Our school provides support for students and parents in the transition from school to their chosen post school option.